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Creating a Morphology Lesson Your Student Needs
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Rooted in Language

Creating a Morphology Lesson Your Student Needs

Creating a Morphology Lesson Your Student Needs

Recorded Educator Class

Regular price $20.00
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Help your child understand word structure and word parts to improve their vocabulary and spelling. If you've entered the world of morphology with your student, this class will show you how to create effective, content-related lessons.

In this 90-minute recorded educator class, discover practical word study activities you can immediately apply to your spelling lessons. The class defines the features of a successful morphology lesson, followed by a step-by-step guide through 2 specific lessons. With the accompanying handout, you will have the strategies and tools necessary to help your student make progress with their spelling. 

This class is an excerpt from the educator course: Foundations for Teaching Reading, Writing & Spelling. To get the most out of any morphology lesson, we recommend pairing this class with the Word Study Packet

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  • Recorded Educator Class
  • Video count: 4 videos
  • Instructional hours: 1.5 hours of recorded instruction
  • Grade level: 3-12
  • Morphology Lesson Packet + Presentation PDF downloads
  • Ongoing access to instructional videos
  • Embedded video chapters to quickly and easily navigate to specific topics
  • Ongoing support through Office Hours drop-in sessions


Learning Objectives

  • Gain an understanding of the structure and features of a morphology-based spelling lesson
  • Learn practical morphology lessons that can be immediately applied in your teaching
  • Develop deeper knowledge for effective spelling instruction

License and Terms of Use

  • Refer to our complete Policies & Terms of Use which provide the full terms that govern your use.
  • Class recordings and materials are licensed for the purchaser’s use only. The purchaser may print materials for their ongoing personal use with their own students only.
  • Please direct other educators to the Rooted in Language Shop to purchase the class for their own use.
  • We reserve the right to remove access to the instructional videos at any point, but we will provide ample warning if doing so becomes necessary.
  • For charters, schools, and districts purchasing on behalf of enrolled families: Click the Help Chatbot in the lower right corner of your screen for Website Order and Purchase Order procedures. Our classes are the property of your enrolled family, the home educator. A separate purchase must be made for each home educator using this educator training class. Our classes may not be shared in lending libraries. Our class access may not be provided to multiple home educators without a purchased license for each home educator. A home educator is defined as a parent or legal guardian who is teaching their own children and the children for whom they have legal guardianship. For more information, see our FAQs and complete Policies & Terms of Use.
  • School group pricing: If your school has three or more classroom teachers, tutors, or interventionists who would benefit from the professional development provided by this educator class, contact us for group pricing. A school is defined as a single, physical location with one or more administrators and employed or volunteer educators whose primary duty is to instruct students in groups at that location. A classroom teacher is defined as a school employee or volunteer whose primary duty is to instruct students in groups at that school.A school tutor or interventionist is defined as a school employee or volunteer whose primary duty is to provide literacy support for students at that school.

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