Grow your confidence as a teacher while you build the strongest literacy foundation for your students.
With the Pinwheels reading and writing program, teach the skills your students need from the start so that their learning has no limits!
Pinwheels includes unique step-by-step lessons that are fun, research-backed, and multisensory. Based in the Science of Reading, Pinwheels incorporates all areas of language arts:
- phonics & spelling — decoding, encoding, and sound-blending skills
- phonological processing — multisensory activities and games
- word-level reading practice — including blends and multisyllables
- morphology and word study — prefix and suffix usage
- basic grammar and sentence mechanics
- reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension
- handwriting practice, copywork, and original writing practice
- oral language practice — storytelling, narration, and discussion
- literary elements and basic plot structure
- assessment tools and pacing suggestions
Like all Rooted in Language products, Pinwheels incorporates research-based methods to support students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, developmental language disorders, and other literacy based struggles.
Pinwheelse Early Literacy Curriculum Complete Program
Pinwheels Printed Student Materials
The student materials below are a small part of the complete Pinwheels Comprehensive Early Literacy Curriculum shown above. The complete curriculum includes educator instructional videos as well as PDFs for all Pinwheels materials, including Educator Guides, Assessments, Student Workbooks, Reading Kits A, Readers Kits B (Readers), and Manipulatives, giving educators complete printing flexibility.
If you do not already own the complete Pinwheels program, add the appropriate curriculum year to your cart above. Then choose your printing method. We provide printing guidance within the program including: ordering our print-on-demand student materials below, printing at home, ordering through a print partner, or ordering from a printing company of your choice.
For guidance in selecting which Pinwheels year to start with, scroll down and click on Placement Quiz.
For convenient print-on-demand coil bound Student Workbooks, Reading Kits A, and Reading Kits B, add the Pinwheels student materials below to your cart for U.S. shipping destinations. For international shipping destinations, click here to place an international order through Lulu publishing.
Not sure where to start? Click below for guidance with placement.
If you have an older learner who struggles, progress is within reach! Watch the video below to understand more fully why we need to work on your student's area of greatest weakness in order to make all their literacy skills stronger. We need to open the roadblocks so that your student can progress on their journey to independent literacy.
The Struggling Writer: 4th-8th Grade

Looking for more?
- License Pinwheels for use in a school or classroom
- Download 5 Steps to Assess Reading Skills
- Watch 3 Most Common Causes of Reading & Writing Struggle
- Download indicators of literacy struggle
- Read about Potholes in the Path to Literacy
- Understand our method and the research behind it
- Drop in for free Office Hours
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