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Pinwheels Year 2 Comprehensive Early Literacy Curriculum
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Pinwheels Year 2 Comprehensive Early Literacy Curriculum

Pinwheels Year 2 Comprehensive Early Literacy Curriculum

PDF Downloads and Educator Videos hosted on Thinkific

Regular price $154.00
Regular price Sale price $154.00
Sale Unavailable
Grade Level: 1; 6-7 year old learners (see FAQs for use with other ages)

PDF program delivered through Thinkific.

This product is licensed for a single family or a single private tutor.
For use in a school or classroom, see our Pinwheels School License.

Grow your confidence as a teacher while you build the strongest literacy foundation for your students. With the Pinwheels reading and writing program, teach the skills your students need from the start so that their learning has no limits!

Based on the Science of Reading, Pinwheels Year 2 guides your student through deeper literacy concepts, including: vowel digraphs, complex consonant teams, blends (or clusters), and long vowel sounds with Silent-e. 

Students learn and practice multisyllable words, as well as word structure using prefixes and suffixes. Early grammar lessons are also incorporated.

Reading and writing are augmented with sound processing games and engaging work with manipulatives. Accuracy and fluency are targeted and improved along with reading comprehension and basic original writing skills.

Whether your student is moving along their literacy journey, or they need additional support to help them take the next step, Pinwheels Year 2 provides structure and detail, all practiced with a fun approach that respects each child’s needs.

For guidance with placement, take our Placement Quiz.

In addition to purchasing the complete Pinwheels curriculum, we offer the convenience of printed, coil-bound Student Workbooks, Reading Kits A, and Reading Kits B (readers). Shop the complete collection below where you can also download the Pinwheels Scope & Sample. We provide other at-home printing guidance and print partner information in the Pinwheels program.

Scroll down for additional product Specifications, Information, and FAQs.

Like all Rooted in Language products, Pinwheels incorporates research-based methods to support students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, developmental language disorders, and other literacy based struggles. 
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Additional Description

Pinwheels is a downloadable PDF program with educator video support provided on Thinkific, an organized online learning platform. Access Pinwheels anywhere, anytime, on any device, providing great flexibility in how you engage with the curriculum.

Pinwheels includes unique step-by-step lessons that are fun, research-backed, and multisensory. Pinwheels incorporates all areas of language arts:

  • phonics & spelling —  decoding, encoding, and sound-blending skills
  • phonological processing — multisensory activities and games
  • word-level reading practice — including blends and multisyllables 
  • morphology and word study — prefix and suffix usage
  • basic grammar and sentence mechanics
  • reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension 
  • handwriting practice, copywork, and original writing practice
  • oral language practice — storytelling, narration, and discussion
  • literary elements and basic plot structure
  • assessment tools and pacing suggestions

Pinwheels Year 2 can be the starting point for students who know all or most of the letters and can read and write single-syllable CVC words containing common consonants, consonant digraphs, and short vowel sounds. Review lessons are built into Year 2 for key concepts explicitly taught in Pinwheels Year 1.

Year 2 is appropriate for the learner who:

  • can read and write most letters and say their primary sounds
  • can read and spell simple words with short vowel sounds
  • does not write and spell words with blends or multiple syllables
  • cannot spell with basic vowel teams and Silent-e


Downloadable PDF program with educator video support provided on Thinkific, an organized online learning platform

  • Grade level: 1; 6-7 year old learners (see FAQs for use with other ages)
  • File count: 28 downloadable PDFs
  • Page count: 2,254 pages (53% printing optional)
  • Video count: 25 educator training videos
  • Video hours: 7 instructional hours
  • 31 units planned for 38 weeks of instruction; time to complete varies based on actual instructional hours per week and modifications to support student needs
  • Meets or exceeds a typical United States 1st grade curriculum
  • Ongoing access to future product updates
  • Ongoing support through Office Hours drop-in sessions


The complete scope for Pinwheels Year 2 is available as a PDF download by adding the Pinwheels Year 2 Scope & Sample to your cart.


PDF Downloads include the following:

  • Setup Guide and Plan & Prep (62 pages): overview, printing recommendations, setup steps, materials list (printing is optional) 
  • Assessments (57 pages): sound-level, word-level, and passage-level student assessments 
  • Educator Guides and Resources (1,129 pages): step-by-step instructions, scripts, and adjustable daily plans (printing is optional) 
  • Student Workbooks (293 pages): hands-on, engaged student reading and writing practice to support each new concept
  • Reading Kits (439 pages): illustrated readers, word lists, sentences, paragraphs, and copywork & dictation passages, providing practice for new learning in meaningful contexts
  • Appendix (236 pages): engaging, multisensory games and manipulatives; additional 33 pages if new to Pinwheels starting with Year 2

Viewing and Printing

  • PDFs and videos all viewable online, organized by unit
  • Download options for each resource include full PDFs and PDFs by unit, providing flexible engagement and printing
  • Print and setup recommendations are provided, including links to two print Partners who have all of the Pinwheels PDFs and recommended print settings, providing an easy process for ordering a printed copy.
  • Printing educator materials is optional (53% of total page count).
  • Printing can be outsourced to any printing company you choose, including an RiL print Partner. Please contact the print company to inquire about their pricing. RiL does not receive remuneration from any print company nor control their print prices.

Videos and More

  • Educator training videos for understanding assessments, key teaching strategies, games, and activities
  • Videos viewable by unit as new concepts are introduced
  • Student sample videos
  • Shared reading book recommendations for each unit
  • Additional supportive educator videos and downloadable educator resources

License and Terms of Use

  • Refer to our complete Policies & Terms of Use which provide the full terms that govern your use.
  • Please direct other educators to the Rooted in Language Shop to purchase Pinwheels for their own use.
  • For the home educator: Purchase of Pinwheels allows the home educator to make copies for their own use as well as copies of student materials for their own children and the children for whom they have legal guardianship. Educator materials may not be shared with another parent, educator, or tutor outside of the purchaser's immediate family. A home educator is defined as a parent or legal guardian who is teaching their own children and the children for whom they have legal guardianship.
  • For the private tutor: Purchase of Pinwheels allows the private tutor to make copies for their own use, as well as copies of student materials only for their own children, the children for whom they have legal guardianship, and their own one-on-one, private tutoring students. Educator materials may not be shared with another tutor, educator, or tutoring student's parents. If another tutor or a student’s parent wishes to access the full Pinwheels program, including all educator materials and resources, direct them to purchase their own copy of Pinwheels. A private tutor is defined as an adult educator, including intervention providers, Speech-Language Pathologists, and literacy specialists, who provides one-on-one reading and writing intervention to students within a private practice setting. If you are providing tutoring or intervention services to children in small groups in a private practice setting or to students within a school, a Pinwheels School License is required.
  • For charters, schools, and districts purchasing on behalf of enrolled families: Click the Help Chatbot in the lower right corner of your screen for Website Order and Purchase Order procedures. Our products are consumable and the property of your enrolled family, the home educator for whom you purchased the product. A separate purchase must be made for each home educator using the product. Our products may not be shared in lending libraries. Our products may not be reproduced for multiple home educators without a purchased license for each home educator. A home educator is defined as a parent or legal guardian who is teaching their own children and the children for whom they have legal guardianship. For more information, see our FAQs and complete Policies & Terms of Use
  • For classroom teachers, schools, and school tutors and interventionists: This Pinwheels product is licensed for home educators and private tutors only. Please see our Pinwheels School License for use in a school or classroom.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Pinwheels different?

  • Pinwheels is based on research-supported strategies and approaches from the Science of Reading.
  • Pinwheels supports all learners, including those who struggle with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and developmental language disorders — the three most common causes of literacy delays. 
  • Activities and practice are both multisensory and multimodal, meaning that they use more than one mode of language—listening, speaking, reading, or writing.
  • Throughout Pinwheels, reading, writing, and spelling are taught together. Research supports teaching these in combination to ensure deep learning of new concepts.
  • Explicit lessons in every area of language arts include educator scripts and student materials that are meaningful and fun.
  • The practice of Intentional Copywork, Dictation & Editing is incorporated throughout, in a developmentally appropriate way.
  • Review is strategically incorporated throughout to solidify key concepts in long-term memory.
  • Student assessments are provided to help educators determine which concepts have been mastered vs. those that need more targeted practice. Assessments also measure growth over time.
  • Professional development is included: as you teach, you will learn the why as well as the how, gaining universally usable strategies along with the know-how and confidence to apply them.
  • Pinwheels is delivered through the online learning platform, Thinkific, for flexible engagement with materials and videos.


Where do I start with Pinwheels?

Start with Pinwheels Year 1 if your learner:

  • is new to reading, writing, and spelling
  • does not know the primary sounds of all letters
  • cannot read and spell most simple 3-sound words
  • does not know most short vowel sounds

Start with Pinwheels Year 2 if your learner:

  • can read and write most letters and say their primary sounds
  • can read and spell simple words with short vowel sounds
  • does not write and spell words with blends or multiple syllables
  • cannot spell with basic vowel teams and Silent-e

Note: Pinwheels Year 2 begins with two units that review key concepts from Pinwheels Year 1. If you are new to Pinwheels, starting with Year 2, take extra time with these first two units. If any concepts are new or challenging for your student, provide extra practice. If more explicit teaching is needed on these concepts, that is provided in Pinwheels Year 1.


How long will it take to complete Pinwheels Year 1 or Year 2?

Each Pinwheels product is designed to be completed in approximately one school year. However, actual completion time is dependent upon many factors, including your instructional hours per week, as well as each student’s learning pace and need for modifications. 


Who should use Pinwheels?

Pinwheels Year 1 is designed for the average 5-6 year old. However, Pinwheels targets a skill level rather than an age. This means that older students who need support in the acquisition of early literacy skills, alphabet knowledge, and letter formation should use Pinwheels. 

Pinwheels Year 2 is designed for the average 6-8 year old. However, Pinwheels targets a skill level rather than an age. This means that older students who need support as they begin to consolidate early reading, writing, and spelling knowledge should use Pinwheels. 


Can Pinwheels be used to teach an older student? 

Yes. Pinwheels is designed to support students who have dyslexia, dysgraphia, and/or developmental language disorders — the three most common causes of literacy delays. Learners with these language-based struggles have unexpected gaps in their literacy knowledge that impede progress. Because Pinwheels is so thorough in its approach and develops foundational writing skills, both educators and older students benefit from working with this program. 

Note: Some of the content may be a review, but the explicit lessons strengthen foundational skills. Supplemental reading material may be needed.

Because Pinwheels Year 1 focuses on building a solid sound-to-letter foundation, it is appropriate for older these students. Older students with dysgraphia benefit from Year 1’s slower writing pace, sound-to-letter practice, and reduced writing demands. 


Can Pinwheels be used to teach a 4-5 year old who is already reading CVC words? 

Yes. Pinwheels Year 1 is still a good place to start. Remember that Pinwheels teaches not just reading, but also writing, letter formation, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, word study, CVCC words, early suffixing, simple grammar concepts, and more. Some young Pre-K students may already read CVC words, but they usually need more practice writing and spelling at this grade level. Familiar material can be reviewed at a faster pace, but all the while, your student will build a solid literacy foundation: learning and using important strategies for accurate reading and fluent writing. In addition, younger children learn early editing skills presented in a kind and age-appropriate manner. The teaching strategies in Pinwheels are key ingredients to future success in spelling and fluent writing!

You may have to add additional reading opportunities to match your child’s reading level, so we provide a list of other readers that can be used with the program. 

Here is some helpful advice from our Rooted Community Pinwheels users with young learners:

  • “I’ve found with my kiddo when we have material she’s already familiar with, her confidence grows and she’s more open to the challenging aspects. We just finished Level 1 today and my kiddo is grasping suffixes, blending, CVCC, early grammar concepts, and more.” ~ Samantha
  • “My daughter was already reading at 4.5 when we started Pinwheels. We started at Level 1 and it was perfect. We skipped a lot of the extra practice ideas, the easiest worksheets (missing sounds 1-3), etc. but we did the majority of it. It was the correct amount of writing, and she developed amazing spelling skills to match her natural reading abilities.” ~ Ashley
  • “I did it with a kid who could read well, maybe 5th grade level self taught, but we needed handwriting, spelling, grammar, etc. She loved it! We definitely modified and went through it fast (a couple months). But there was so much to learn!” ~ Elisa
  • “It's a full language arts program so they learn other things as well. We recently finished Level 1. There's a lot of practice with capitalizing the beginning of a sentence, punctuation marks, editing, saying sounds as you write, phonemic awareness, reading, and writing fluency. You just may be able to go at a faster pace. There's actually way more of the other stuff. You'll probably be adding in other reading opportunities.” ~ Maryellen


Can Pinwheels be used to teach students with language delays? 

Yes. Pinwheels is designed to support students who have dyslexia, dysgraphia, and/or developmental language disorders — the three most common causes of literacy delays. 

Learners who struggle will experience a slower learning pace and increased cognitive fatigue, resulting in reduced attention. In addition, writing tasks pose a particular challenge. Pinwheels is designed with therapeutic, short lessons which easily modify the daily pace. Hands-on manipulatives, games, and extra practice activities are abundant . . . essential tools for the struggling learner. Extra practice is built in the program, and educator guidance is provided. 


What if my student needs a quicker pace? 

Pinwheels Year 1 provides numerous engaging practice opportunities. If your student is advancing rapidly with strong sound-to-letter connections and needs a quicker pace, an accelerated plan is provided which includes reducing familiar practice and focusing on the more challenging activities. Many students will progress more rapidly in their reading skills than in their writing skills, yet writing is the deepest form of learning. Always include writing practice activities so students have additional time for writing skills to progress.

Pinwheels Year 2 covers many areas of language arts. If your student is advancing rapidly with reading, writing, and spelling, recommendations are provided to elevate the challenge level which include reducing familiar practice, focusing on the more challenging activities, and increasing the writing demands. Be sure to do some practice for every new concept before moving on. Many students will progress more rapidly in their reading skills than in their writing skills. If so, provide supplemental reading material, but also have advanced readers engage in Pinwheels’ multisyllable reading practice. Always include Pinwheels writing practice because writing requires the application of all other literacy skills. Allow the time your student needs for original writing, editing, and spelling skills to progress.  


What supplies do I need to teach with Pinwheels?

  • A detailed Materials List is provided in the Pinwheels Plan & Prep PDF and in the Setup modules on Thinkific. 
  • Most of the supplies needed are typical office and school supplies. Some craft supplies are also needed.
  • Paper: The Print & Setup module on Thinkific provides guidance for each document; 24lb. paper is recommended for double-sided printing; cardstock is recommended for some Appendix materials
  • Lamination is not required, although we note when lamination may be beneficial for specific materials.
  • Documents can be stored in 3-ring binders or in folders by unit, depending on user preference.
  • Student binders are recommended for specific purposes; details are provided on the Materials list.


Do you have an alternative to printing and cutting all those Letter Tiles?

Yes. Treasures from Jennifer has created two wooden Rooted in Language Letter Tile sets — coins and square tiles.

The RiL Letter Tile set represents all the tiles for the complete code, including spellings that are beyond the scope of Pinwheels. The student’s working set of Letter Tiles should only include the sounds and spellings that have been explicitly taught. It will grow over time. Store the remaining Letter Tiles separately, for future use.


What are my printing options? Who are your print partners and how much does it cost to print through them?

  • Print and setup recommendations are provided in the Pinwheels Print & Setup module on Thinkific. 
  • We offer coil bound print-on-demand books for some Pinwheels student materials.
  • Pinwheels can be printed at home, through one of our print Partners, or through a printing company of your choice. Some local libraries offer free or discounted printing.  
  • Some print Partners provide discounts for RiL customers. Please contact the print company to inquire about their pricing. RiL does not receive remuneration from any print company nor control their print prices. 


Do I have to print everything?

  • Printing is optional for the educator materials (40% optional for Year 1; 53% optional for Year 2). You decide which educator elements to print versus what you wish to read and reference on your screen.
  • Student materials should be printed, including: Student Workbooks, Reading Kits, and Appendix materials.
  • See the Viewing and Printing section above for more printing information.
  • After purchase, refer to the Pinwheels Print & Setup module on Thinkific.


How many pages are in each Pinwheels resource? 

See the Materials section above for all the details.


For the home educator: How can I purchase Pinwheels using my charter school funds?

  • Charter schools can contact us to issue a purchase order to Rooted in Language. The purchase order must include the home educator’s email address for delivery of the digital product.
  • Charter schools can purchase Pinwheels on your behalf through our online Shop. The family's email address and parent name must be entered at checkout for delivery of the product; then the charter school proceeds to PayPal for payment where the school's email address is entered for a PayPal receipt. Download these instructions for charter school website orders.
  • If Rooted in Language is not already an approved vendor with your charter school, contact us so we can complete your charter’s vendor application.


For the home educator and co-op educator: Can I teach with Pinwheels in a co-op?

  • Pinwheels is licensed for home educators and private tutors to use the program with their own children, children for whom they have legal guardianship, and one-on-one, private tutoring students in a private practice setting only.
  • If you would like to pursue teaching with Pinwheels in a co-op, special licensing may be required. Contact us for co-op licensing options before purchasing Pinwheels. A co-op is defined as a learning environment where several homeschool families join together for academic pursuits, and parents work cooperatively in teaching different subjects in a group setting.
  • We believe students gain the most skill when they use Pinwheels in its entirety. Therefore, we strongly recommend each co-op student’s family purchase the curriculum for weekly assignments to complete at home. This also supports students who struggle and will need extra practice at home.


For the school, classroom teacher, and school tutor and interventionist: Do you offer a license to use Pinwheels in a classroom or school?

Yes. Please see our Pinwheels School License for all the details about licensing Pinwheels for a single, physical school location.

Customer Reviews

Based on 56 reviews
Pinwheels taught me more than my undergrad!

I got my undergrad in early childhood education and have learned more about literacy and how the brain learns to read from working through PW level 1 with my son than I did my *entire* 4 years at college. It’s hard to make a curriculum that rich and insightful open and go, but I’ve found that I need less preparation time as I’ve become more familiar with the curriculum. Prepping manipulatives, readers, etc in advance will take time up front but it does make it easier to jump right in each week. The educator’s guide is scripted, so you aren’t having to figure out how to explain everything.

Such a game-changer!

I just love Pinwheels so much. It has been such a game-changer for my learner. I could cry. We have had an amazing first half of the year together and I'm really grateful.

This is GOLD!

Rooted in Language is just the best curriculum for language arts for us! Let me tell ya I have been around the block with curriculum picks. But this is GOLD and I get teary just preparing lessons from it because of how wonderful it is!! Look at this beginning reader!!! What a world is opening up for her!!

Captured his imagination!

We are in [Pinwheels Year 2] Level 3, Unit 9, and the write your own story project has really captured my son's imagination. He's 10, and has learning disabilities due to epilepsy. Learning to read and write has been such a difficult journey, but he's excited, and writing more than I knew was possible! I'm just so thankful.

Learning Curve

I am amazed how comprehensive this curriculum is. I have been going thru the modules on thinkific. I am learning to slow down and go at my child's pace. The rooted in language team has shown me all levels of the learner. I did not complete pinwheels 1 so it has been a big learning curve.