You want the best strategies to meet your students’ needs in order to move them forward. Rooted in Language gives you that and more! We provide you with unique teaching methods based on each learner’s skills rather than their age. You’ll discover tried and tested research-based methods, empowering you with the tools to help your students find success and change their lives.
You've come to the right place to teach reading, writing, and spelling together. Start with our quiz to find the best path and launch your students’ growth!

You understand the need to be flexible in designing your instructional plan and the need to adjust your pace based on each of your student’s challenges.
All of our products show you what, when, and how to best teach each child, including those with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning difficulties such as developmental language disorder, ADHD, and ASD.
There are answers for learners who struggle. And we have them! All our products are based on research and our decades of experience as speech-language therapists and literacy interventionists.

My student has mixed skills and especially struggles with writing. How can I teach at grade-level when writing is lagging so far behind?
“Writing sets Pinwheels apart! Pinwheels incorporates writing from the start which serves to strengthen and improve reading skills. As a tutor, Pinwheels is the most flexible and adaptable curriculum I have found. Other programs separate skills and move too fast. Pinwheels . . . was especially designed to teach students with dyslexia and other literacy struggles. The program gives me the flexibility to individualize instruction, selecting lessons and activities to match my students' needs. I may not use all that is there for each student, but it’s all there if I need it!” ~ Kelli, Tutor & Former Home Educator
Kelli has realized the key component in the Rooted in Language method — a focus on writing grows all the necessary literacy skills. The ability to spell and write words, expressed in original sentences, should be the focus of all literacy instruction. Writing consolidates all the skills, giving you the greatest impact for your limited time with your students.

I feel like I’m missing some important pieces in my students’ learning struggles. How can I better understand what my students need to make progress?
“I really appreciate all these insights from the SLP's and the clinician's perspective of working with students . . . Thank you for sharing your specialized knowledge. You're really breaking down the skill set of learning to read and write into these minute subskills that others don’t acknowledge or teach us (educators) to do. This is valuable for all students but critical for those who struggle." ~ Jennifer, Dyslexia Specialist
Jennifer uses the Rooted in Language method of teaching discrete skills and then consolidating those skills in reading and writing. As language therapists and literacy interventionists, we show you an explicit and systematic teaching approach to support the development of ALL the literacy skills needed for reading and writing. You’ll use evidence-based methods to engage students in powerful practice and meaningful application.

How do I create a unique teaching plan for each of my students?
"As a former teacher, trained in Orton Gillingham literacy, Rooted in Language is the ONLY curriculum that I found that fits what is considered research-based literacy instruction in true practice. I won’t do any other curriculum with my kiddos." ~ Alyssa
Alyssa now teaches what science reveals: the need to teach reading, writing, and spelling together. We incorporate teaching routines that provide comprehensive and effective support to children with varying language-based struggles. Through our curricula and educator-training classes, you will learn the most effective methods for teaching each critical skill area — phonology, orthography, grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and morphology — all taught in reading and writing!