Word Study Packet
Word Study Packet
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Unlock the mystery of English and help your students strengthen their spelling and vocabulary skills with the Word Study Packet!
Word study is the study of the structural elements of words—prefixes, base words, and suffixes—as well as a word’s root origin and language history. The two biggest pillars of English spelling are phonics and word study. This means that unlocking spelling requires recognizing word parts, and often, word history. Research supports that word study results in the best retention and usage of vocabulary and spelling skills.
Use the Word Study Packet’s explicit instructions to help your students approach spelling through a scientific and constructive lens, while building writing skills and vocabulary. These strategies can be applied repeatedly, throughout your schooling, with increasingly complex text and vocabulary.
For even more results, word study can be applied across all subject areas! Vocabulary lessons in science and history are much more meaningful and memorable when word study lessons, including morphology and etymology, are added to the mix.
Through word study, you will introduce your students to the research-based method of Structured Word Inquiry (SWI), opening their minds and encouraging lifelong scholarship!
All Rooted in Language products incorporate research-based methods to support students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, developmental language disorders, and other literacy-based struggles.