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Handwriting Struggle & Intervention Educator Class
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Rooted in Language

Handwriting Struggle & Intervention Educator Class

Handwriting Struggle & Intervention Educator Class

Recorded Educator Course

Regular price $69.00
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All students can become writers! But students with handwriting struggles often don’t believe this is possible. With your support, they can achieve their greatest writing potential!

When you help your students improve their handwriting skills, you are freeing up cognitive space for stronger, independent writing skills. You’re showing them that writing is not only possible for them, but that research has answers for students like them.

You will help students transform from avoiders to writers!Through the Handwriting Struggle & Intervention educator class, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of the research behind handwriting difficulties and indicators
  • Learn therapeutic approaches to help students with handwriting struggles and weaknesses, including dysgraphia and other expressive language difficulties
  • Develop an effective, scaffolded teaching method for handwriting instruction
  • Implement instructional strategies that support all modes of writing – print, cursive, and keyboard
  • Understand the scope of instruction and when to include each mode of writing
  • Support your students’ developing letter formation, handwriting flow, writing fluency, legibility, and overall production

Your students will:

  • Solidify sound-to-letter connections, the primary underlying cause of handwriting weakness
  • Improve writing flow, fluency, and automaticity
  • Strive to become hybrid writers who can toggle between all three writing formats
  • Grow their capacity to express themselves successfully in writing

Handwriting is a foundational skill that is connected to all areas of language arts, so children who experience a handwriting weakness likely deal with difficulties in other reading and writing skills. Writing by hand is not just a necessary life skill; research reveals that writing by hand improves executive functioning skills, note taking, analysis, and memory. 

Gain the understanding you need to put these complex pieces together, so you can provide your students with an effective plan for writing — and life long success!

All Rooted in Language products incorporate research-based methods to support students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, developmental language disorders, and other literacy-based struggles.

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  • Recorded Educator Class
  • File count: 1 PDF
  • Page count: 26 pages
  • Video count: 7 videos
  • Instructional hours: 2.5 hours of recorded instruction
  • Grade level: K-12
  • Ongoing access to instructional videos
  • Embedded video chapters to quickly and easily navigate to each instructional level and topic
  • Comprehensive Instructional Plan with strategies that can be used with any handwriting practice, across curricula
  • Explicit demonstrations and student examples provided throughout
  • 3 page Glossary of Terms
  • Ongoing support through Office Hours drop-in sessions 
  • Free downloads: 3 PDFs (30 pages) including Capital and lowercase Manuscript (print) Letter Formation Instructions; RiL Cursive Alphabet (1 page cardstock recommended); Handwriting Paper


The focus of the Handwriting Struggle & Intervention class includes: reasons behind handwriting difficulty, strategies for teaching handwriting with students who struggle, the most effective way to teach handwriting for new writers, and problem-solving your students’ specific handwriting challenges.

  • All writing formats: manuscript (print), cursive, keyboard
  • Research supporting the sound-to-letter connection
  • Pencil grasp and position options and instruction
  • Letter practice: order of introduction and teaching method 
  • Problem-solving techniques for typical issues, such as letter reversals and legibility
  • Consolidation practice – purposeful practice combined with other literacy skills, such as spelling
  • Cognitive systems involved in handwriting, such as attention and memory

License and Terms of Use

  • Refer to our complete Policies & Terms of Use which provide the full terms that govern your use.
  • Class recordings and materials are licensed for the purchaser’s use only. The purchaser may print materials for their ongoing personal use with their own students only.
  • Please direct other educators to the Rooted in Language Shop to purchase the class for their own use.
  • We reserve the right to remove access to the instructional videos at any point, but we will provide ample warning if doing so becomes necessary.
  • For charters, schools, and districts purchasing on behalf of enrolled families: Click the Help Chatbot in the lower right corner of your screen for Website Order and Purchase Order procedures. Our classes are the property of your enrolled family, the home educator. A separate purchase must be made for each home educator using this class. Our classes may not be shared in lending libraries. Our class access may not be provided to multiple home educators without a purchased license for each home educator. A home educator is defined as a parent or legal guardian who is teaching their own children and the children for whom they have legal guardianship. For more information, see our FAQs and complete Policies & Terms of Use.
  • School group pricing: If your school has three or more classroom teachers, tutors, or interventionists who would benefit from the professional development provided by this educator class, contact us for group pricing. A school is defined as a single, physical location with one or more administrators and employed or volunteer educators whose primary duty is to instruct students in groups at that location. A classroom teacher is defined as a school employee or volunteer whose primary duty is to instruct students in groups at that school.A school tutor or interventionist is defined as a school employee or volunteer whose primary duty is to provide literacy support for students at that school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should take this class? 

Handwriting skills are foundational to every writing skill, including spelling and composition. Therefore, every homeschool educator, tutor, and classroom teacher who requires students to produce written work will benefit from this class and its insights. Educators working with students who have handwriting difficulties and dysgraphia will gain the knowledge required to provide effective, scaffolded handwriting intervention. 


What age and skill level do the strategies in this class support?

The content of this class is useful and adaptable for any student with handwriting difficulties, regardless of age or writing level, including students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, expressive language difficulties, and other developmental language delays. 

Learn how to support your student along their journey, no matter their starting point. 


Rather than watch the entire class upfront, can I use the material right away? 

Handwriting is a complex topic, so you will want to complete the class before putting your new learning into practice with your students. You also have ongoing access to the instructional video and can return to concepts previously watched for review.


What are Rooted in Language educator training classes and why do I need them?

All language arts studies rely on complex underlying language skills. Success in reading and writing requires explicit teaching strategies that cross these intertwined skill areas. In our educator training classes, we teach you methods that are effective, research-based, and supportive of all students, especially those with learning difficulties. 

We provide and demonstrate deep learning strategies for the specified content area in each of our classes, so you know what to teach and how to teach it, across all age and learning levels.


Do you offer a Certificate of Completion for continuing education?

Yes. After finishing the class, please contact us to request a Certificate of Completion. Rooted in Language will, in turn, deliver a downloadable Certificate of Completion to you within 5 business days. Your Certificate can be submitted for CEU’s; however, acceptance is subject to each governing body’s rules and approval. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

My kiddo is dyslexic and dysgraphic. This class is very helpful with lots and lots of tips. My student doesn’t like handwriting anymore than he did before, but we are making progress!


I'm an hour into the Handwriting Struggle & Intervention class...mindblown! Amazing explanations of dysgraphia and how RIL's method works to help. Our 14yo dysgraphic son is really going to appreciate this understanding. Thank you RiL Team!


I am feeling very encouraged moving forward and so is my son! He was especially fascinated when I shared with him from the handwriting class that uppercase letters only make up 2% of the written word.


I found the Handwriting Struggle & Intervention class very helpful. We had started cursive but decided to come back to print for a bit to see if we couldn't clean it up. With consistent practice (about 3x/week, which is what is manageable for us), things are loads better. My son's OT asked him to write the alphabet the other day, and he only had one reversal that time (j, which we haven't encountered very often), which was a huge improvement for him, and it only took a couple months to get there. It's still not perfect, and he's still frustrated with where he's at, but I see a real light at the end of the tunnel now which I didn't see a few months ago before taking the class.


My almost 13 year old son is severely dyslexic and dysgraphic. I loved this class! I learned so much on how to help my son. I’ve even gone back and rewatched it a couple more times to pick up information I may have missed or didn’t apply to him at the time. We’ve been practicing cursive a little bit everyday since September. What a difference it has made!