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Observational Cartoons
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Rooted in Language

Observational Cartoons

Observational Cartoons

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Observational Cartoons gives students the opportunity to practice careful observation, bits & pieces of writing, expressive drawing, and abstract thinking. 

The combination of writing and drawing provides a multisensory activity that keeps students engaged, providing an avenue to deep learning. As students move through Observational Cartoons, they conceptualize, explore, elaborate, and better comprehend complex ideas, moving from concrete to abstract thinking—a skill needed for deep comprehension and analytical writing. This activity can be used by the educator to guide students, or it can be used as an independent study by older students. Drawing skill is not required!

Repeat Observational Cartoons throughout the year, over several years, and watch your student’s abstract, critical thinking skills grow!

All Rooted in Language products incorporate research-based methods to support students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, developmental language disorders, and other literacy-based struggles.

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  • Grade level: 4 -12 
  • File count: 1 PDF
  • Page count: 9 pages
  • Writing and drawing activity with modifications and extensions for repeated use
  • Contains educator instructional content (printing is optional)


Writing and drawing practices that incorporate:

  • Listening and recording phrases
  • Making observations and drawing sketches
  • Identifying uncommon connections to create a cartoon
  • Incorporating abstract thinking to add captions
  • Engaging in critical thinking and analysis
  • Original writing

License and Terms of Use

  • Refer to our complete Policies & Terms of Use which provide the full terms that govern your use.
  • This product is licensed for the purchaser's own use with their own children, children for whom they have legal guardianship, and their own students. The purchaser may not share this product with or reproduce it for other parents, educators, tutors, or students outside of the purchaser’s immediate family. 
  • Please direct other educators to the Rooted in Language Shop to purchase this product for their own use.
  • For charters, schools, and districts purchasing on behalf of enrolled families:Click the Help Chatbot in the lower right corner of your screen for Website Order and Purchase Order procedures. Our products are consumable and the property of your enrolled family, the home educator for whom you purchased the product. A separate purchase must be made for each home educator using the product. Our products may not be shared in lending libraries. Our products may not be reproduced for multiple home educators without a purchased license for each home educator. A home educator is defined as a parent or legal guardian who is teaching their own children and the children for whom they have legal guardianship. For more information, see our FAQs and complete Policies & Terms of Use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Observational Cartoons with younger students?

Observational Cartoons is best used with students fourth grade and older. Younger students will struggle to engage in the level of abstract thinking required. 


Will Observational Cartoons help my student who struggles?

Yes. For students who struggle with writing, this activity creates a new focus, generating a sense of exploration or adventure. This redirection helps students write more freely, with less resistance. The step-by-step instruction deepens their thinking and reduces the writing demands to small, manageable steps. Struggling learners will experience success, enjoy the humor, and take pride in their finished product! 


Can I use Observational Cartoons with other programs?

Yes. These concepts are designed to deepen analytical thinking and can be used to enhance any reading or language arts program.

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