As I sit to write this blog about our new classes, I see them in a new light—that of parent, not professional. I am in the ER, feet propped on my son's gurney, typing thoughts that have been swirling in my head since 2:00 am. My son is battling Ulcerative Colitis, and we are in the unsettling stage of trying to learn what we need to know, while frustrated over how he has suffered due to our inevitable learning curve.
I have been having those intense Momma-moments for the last 24 hours, finally lamenting to my husband in frustration: I just wish we had a nurse or professional that is available to guide us. Someone to tell us what signs to watch for. Someone to walk us through the system. Someone to tell us when we need to get more help, but also to help us manage at home what we can manage at home!
What I want is twofold: information to help me learn what I don't know and a coach to guide us as we walk this path, for those inevitable (but unforeseen) footfalls and obstacles along the way.

What I want for my child is what I am trying to provide for yours! And let me tell you, now as a parent who also needs help, I am even more committed to give you support for managing your children's reading and writing development.
Our educator classes are designed to help build skills. We created these classes to provide you with teaching strategies for strengthening each language arts skill area needed for successful reading/writing. We provide conference-level, hands-on demonstrations of how we teach our students.
Our Foundations for Teaching Reading, Writing & Spelling educator training course teaches you what, when, and how to teach all the underlying phonics, spelling, and word study skills that are essential for students to become successful readers and writers.
Roots Entwined is our year-longcoaching class. Here we help you coordinate all of your language arts goals for your student, based on their individual needs, with specific attention to strategies to support both reading and writing. We teach you how and help you manage as you move along the path. We will help you decide if you need to pursue other professionals. Roots Entwined does not cover essential skills to the depth of our skill area classes—those are used to build skills. Roots Entwined will help you learn how to practice the consolidation of those skills, in reading, writing, editing, Intentional Copywork, Dictation & Editing, and original writing, all throughout the school year.
Meanwhile, we are combining my 30+ years' experience, Moira and Claire's updated education and creative endeavors, and Tracy's artistic talents to give you other educational choices.
Free videos and our Twigs blog allow us to answer questions and provide helpful information. We are always loading free and affordable ideas and materials in our Shop and alerting you via newsletters and Facebook of what's new at Rooted in Language. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive a helpful free download and stay informed about literacy instruction and our work! Also follow us on social media where we share more ideas!
Finally, I know with my son, I just want someone to give us a prescribed plan. Something we can pick up and use, without having to wade through all of the theory and research involved, making mistakes all the while. Therefore, Rooted in Language is also working to provide activities for you to buy. These are real lessons we teach real kids year after year. A few of these are already in our Shop . . . with more to come!
To get started with your own educator development, head to our Shop and start with the Foundations course. And when you're ready, layer in our other educator training classes. We want to support you, so you can be the best educator you can be for your kids and manage their learning struggles!
~ Rita